Church Road, Little Waldingfield

Booking Secretary        Sue Bowen, Heathfield House, The Street, Little Waldingfield CO10 0SU

01787 249473

Terms and Conditions of Hire

Note: 'The premises', where referred to, includes the whole of the building and the whole of the property within the

boundary. 'LWPRT' refers to Little Waldingfield Parish Room Trustees. If the hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of any of the following, the Booking Secretary should be consulted. The Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with information on the booking form or invoice.


1. All bookings must be made on the official form, signed by the hirer, and returned to the Booking Secretary with any deposit requested.

2. The person signing the booking form shall be deemed to be the hirer and throughout these terms and conditions is referred to as the hirer.

3. Bookings will only be accepted from persons of 25 years of age or over.

4. The hirer is deemed liable for payment of all fees and charges, and for ensuring compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Hire. The hirer takes responsibility for any events arising during the period of hire.

5. A security deposit may be required.

6. Sub-letting of bookings is not permitted.

7. Any change to the Responsible Persons on the Booking Form must be agreed with LWPRT before the event.

8. LWPRT reserves the right to refuse any booking.

9. Use of the premises must be restricted to that stated on the booking form. In the case of any misstatement or omission the letting may be cancelled and any charges paid forfeited.

10. Two or more responsible adults over 25 years of age MUST remain on the premises throughout the duration of the period booked.

11. Hirers must not discriminate during the course of or in connection with the hiring on the grounds of race, religion or belief, gender or sexual orientation, or disability. Activities detrimental to good race relations are not permitted.

Hours of Hiring

12. The hiring time on the booking form must include the time required to set up for and clear away after the event. Access outside the time stated on the booking form is not permitted. If the hire period is overrun, additional charges will be payable and these charges may be deducted from any security deposit.

Payment of Charges

13. Charges for all bookings are shown clearly on the booking form. Bookings are charged individually, in accordance with the Schedule of Charges, with any special discounts or other provisions. Details of current charges are available from the Booking Secretary; as well as charges for the use of the Room and basic facilities, there may be charges for the use of additional equipment.

14. Payment may be required in part or full before an event takes place - please allow an extra 7 working days if paying by cheque.


15. LWPRT reserve the right to cancel any booking without notice on reasonable grounds and refund any fees paid.

16. LWPRT will not be liable for any consequential loss arising from a cancellation for whatever reason.


17. Private hirers are included in LWPRT public liability insurance cover. Other hirers are required to hold Public liability insurance to the value of £5m. The Booking Secretary will require to see proof that insurance policies are in force.

18. Any additional cost placed on LWPRT by its own insurers in respect of any hiring will be charged to the hirer in addition to the normal fee.

Limits of Accommodation

19.  Seated at tables for dining 65

20.  Standing, with no chairs or tables laid out 80

21.  Seated for talks, demonstrations etc. 80

22.  At no time must numbers exceed the maximum stated in accordance with the purpose specified on the booking form.


23.  No alterations or additions may be made to the premises. No decorations, posters or any other material of whatever sort may be affixed to any part of the premises other than by blue or white tack. Any items so affixed must be removed at the end of the hire period.

24.  Footwear which may cause damage to floors is not permitted.

25.  No special preparations, such as those required for dancing, may be applied to the floors.

26.  Chewing gum/bubble gum is not allowed on the premises.

27.  Dry ice, smoke or bubble making machines are not allowed on the premises.

28.  The hirer shall not carry out or permit fly posting or any other form of unauthorised advertisement in connection with the hiring.


29.  Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises.

Fire Risk

30.  No activity which may constitute a fire risk may be undertaken.

31.  Hirers must carry out a fire risk assessment in respect of their hire of the premises and must take steps to manage or reduce risks to an acceptable level.

32.  No flammable materials for whatever purpose are to be brought onto the premises.

33.  All fire exits and escape routes must remain unobstructed and free access maintained at all times.

34.  Fire fighting equipment must not be tampered with, other than to use it for its proper purpose.

35.  No additional heating or cooling appliances of any type are permitted.

36.  In the event of a fire, hirers are responsible for the safe evacuation of all persons from the building and must call the emergency services. Appendix A shows the emergency exits.

Damage and Liability

37.  The hirer shall be responsible for the full cost of making good any damage or loss arising to the premises or contents thereof as a result of the hiring.

38.  The hirer is liable for and shall indemnify the LWPRT against any loss, damage or injury sustained or incurred by the hirer or any person attending the premises in connection with the hire.

39.  Any damage caused or discovered by the hirer must be reported to the Booking Secretary immediately.

40.  The hirer shall indemnify the LWPRT against all actions, claims and proceedings arising out of or in connection with the hire

Electrical Equipment

41.  No alteration or addition may be made to the electrical arrangements on the premises, including the provision of sound and lighting equipment and the use of any portable electrical equipment, without the express permission of the LWPRT. Any equipment for which such permission is given must be maintained in a safe condition and in accordance with the relevant regulations. The LWPRT reserves the right to require a test certificate for any such equipment.


42.  Hire of the hall includes the use of the kitchen and allows the use of the cooker, refrigerator, kettle, crockery, glassware and cutlery as available. Any such equipment used by the hirer or caterer must be left in a clean condition and replaced in its allotted space - please use the dishwasher to wash all crockery, cutlery and glassware. The provision of refreshments is the responsibility of the hirer who shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. A temporary event licence must be obtained for the sale of food.

43.  Children and young people are to be excluded from the kitchen at all times.

First Aid

44.  A first aid box for the use of hirers can be found in the kitchen. Any items used from the box must be reported to the Booking Secretary within twenty four hours of their use, in order that they may be replaced without delay. All accidents are to be recorded in the accident book.

45.  A defibrillator is located on the wall outside the Parish Room.

Furniture, Cleaning etc.

46.  No tables or chairs may be removed from the building without prior consent

47.  All bottles and cans must be taken away by the hirer. All other should be placed in the kitchen bin - if this has been filled all excess rubbish must be removed by the hirer.

48.  Tables and chairs should be lifted, not dragged over the floor.

49.  All parts of the premises used in connection with the hiring must be left in a clean and tidy condition.

50.  Any additional costs incurred by LWPRT in respect of extra cleaning required as a result of a hiring will be charged to the hirer.


51.  The hirer is responsible for ensuring the building is left in a safe and secure condition at the end of the hiring. Hirers shall not leave the building open and unattended at any time before, during or at the end of the hire period.

Disorders or Dangers

52.  The hirer shall not allow any unseemly, disorderly or improper conduct, or any conduct or practices which may endanger persons or property on any part of the premises.

53.  The hirer shall ensure that adequate supervision by a responsible person(s) is maintained on the premises throughout the hire period. Noise output must not exceed 105 decibels.

54.  The hirer shall ensure that the use of the premises shall not cause a nuisance or annoyance to local residents and shall use their best endeavours to prevent noise and disturbance during the hire period, and afterwards by patrons leaving the hall.

55.  The hirer shall take every care to ensure that no undesirable person is permitted to enter or otherwise make use of the premises facilities.

Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor

56.  Intoxicating liquor shall not be sold or consumed on the premises without the hirer obtained any necessary licence. Written permission must be obtained from LWPRT before applying for a licence to sell alcohol because there is a limit on the number of TENs granted annually for any premises.

Drunk and Disorderly Behaviour and Supply of Illegal Drugs

57.  The hirer shall ensure that in order to avoid any disturbance, violent or criminal behaviour, care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Drunk and disorderly behaviour shall not be permitted either on the premises or in it's immediate vicinity. It is the hirer's responsibility to ensure that alcohol is not served to any person suspected of being drunk, or of being under the age of 18. Any person suspected of being drunk or under the influence of drugs/substances or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly way must be asked to leave the premises.

58.  No illegal drugs or substances may be brought onto the premises.

Risk Assessment

59.  Hirers are responsible for assessing all risks which may arise in relation to their hiring, and to take steps to eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level any such risks.


60.  There is no telephone on the premises. Hirers should ensure a responsible person on the premises has an operational mobile phone available for use in emergencies.


61.  The hirer shall ensure that no birds or animals (except assistance dogs) are brought onto the premises.

Car Parking

62.  When parking in the road, hall users should be considerate to residents and ensure access to properties is maintained, and that there is sufficient space for emergency vehicles to get through.


63.  The hirer shall not infringe any subsisting copyright or performing right and indemnifies LWPRT against all sums of money LWPRT may have to pay by reason of an infringement of such rights during the hire period.

64.  The hirer is responsible for obtaining any necessary licences in connection with the hire, and indemnifies LWPRT against any charge which may be made against it in respect of any lack of licence or infringement. Copies of licences must accompany the booking form.

Statutory Requirements

65.  The hirer is required to comply with any statutory requirements and any conditions or regulations made by other bodies (local authority, fire authority etc) arising from the hire and use of the premises.

65.  The hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on the premises in contravention of the law on gaming, betting and lotteries.


66.  Any complaints arising out of a booking should be made in writing to the Booking Secretary within twenty four hours of the hiring, or of the event giving rise to the complaint if earlier.

Conditions and Entry of Officials

67.  All hirers are required to comply with the Conditions of Hire, and any deviation from them will entitle the LWPRT to exclude the hirer and other connected persons from the premises. Hirers will still be liable for the payment of hire charges etc.

68.  The LWPRT reserve the right to amend or vary the booking conditions at any time

69.  The LWPRT or their representative retains the right of entry to the premises at any time during the hiring.

No Rights

70.  The Terms and Conditions of Hire constitute permission only to use the premises and confer no tenancy or other right of occupation on the hirer