NP Steering Committee Meeting 9 August 2019


Present: Tim Sheppard(TS); Richard Furlonger (RF) and Ian Poole (IP).

Apologies: Jennie Jordan (JJ); Chris White (CW) and Barbara Campbell (BC).


  1. Master-planning: TS has meeting with AECOM (the Government’s appointed planning consultants for neighbour plan related background work) at Village to take place on Monday at 11am; seek iterative plans of what can be achieved at the 2 potential housing sites; need to be clear on planning related sensitivities e.g. listed buildings/access, which relate to each site and impact of what-if anything- can be achieved. Will ask for work to be completed by week of 2 September 2019, if possible;
  2. Photographs for final Neighbourhood Plan (‘NP’) document: work completed, the number of photographs which may go forward for inclusion needs to be reduced;
  3. TS-spoke about the meeting he and CW attended between Babergh officers and local NP representatives, held on 31 July 2019, at Lavenham Village Hall-Babergh is proposing 16 houses for the Parish over lifetime of NP (2018 to 2036) and a redrafted settlement boundary; the total of 16 is based on 4 extant planning permissions and Babergh’s view that 12 house may be achieved at Church Field;
  4. IP calculates that there are already 8 houses (definites) to be counted towards the housing total, plus 2 potentially at the pub and a potential allocation of at least 2; it can be argued that the remaining 4 houses can be made up of windfall development over the NP period. Insofar as having a housing allocation would be beneficial for the Parish-looking at an allocation of say 2, if possible, on either Enniskillen and/or Church Field, if achievable and supported by NP process;
  5. NP Steering Committee minded to object to the re-drafted settlement boundary-Babergh has pre-empted what can go into NP; Potential reduction as well to overall housing numbers for Parish;
  6. If meeting numbers should be safe from challenge/major housing development, if keep NP up-to-date;
  7. TS and IP to have conversation with Babergh Officers in early September 2019-TS to fix a meeting with Officers in week beginning 2 September 2019 in advance [IP can do any day except 3 September];
  8. 7 September 2019-Parish Council (‘PC’) draft Joint Local Plan (‘JLP’) consultation meeting likely to be scheduled. IP can attend and will prepare Report setting out view of impact of draft JLP on NP process and Parish. To be used to inform the PC response to the draft JLP consultation which is due by 30 September 2019 but has not been finalised yet;
  9. Next NP Steering Committee meeting once have AECOM Report to hand, which is fit for purpose. Then need to consult with Parish about whether and/or where to have a housing allocation and to prepare the NP for the formal consultation process.


7.10 pm.