Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 06/10/2018


The Parish Room has been booked for the whole day on 17/11/2018.


There are no substantive issues with the Character Assessment. It was suggested that a list of illustrations be included at the back of the document. A link to the Neighbourhood Plan Character Assessment should also be included on the website and within the leaflet inviting residents to the workshop.


TS reported that nationally the required need for housing appears to be falling. ONS figures overall show a lower need than previously reported although this is not uniform across the country. Babergh’s 5 year supply is likely to remain. Following revision to national housing needs assessment methodology, local authorities may need to revise their calculations. It may not be necessary to allocate a site for housing as part of the NP.


The Aecom site assessment report should be available by end of month.  The Site Assessment makes clear it is a snapshot in time and may be superseded by a change in circumstances. Two sites recommended – Churchfield preferred but perhaps marginal. Enniskillen has issues including impact on listed buildings and access.

We should have all three reports by end of month.

On track and should be in a position to proceed after consultation on 17th.

New national housing needs assessment may led to further delay on Local Plan Consultation due in December.

Changes in figures should not have an impact on our timeframe. Less pressure on housing needs means could decide not to allocate a site. Hamlet or Hinterland status relevant to the decision. 

The workshop leaflet delivery is to be covered by committee. Will advertise on website, telephone box, Parish Room window, notice at crossroads and on telephone posts.

Will have 2 sessions – 1 hour presentation in morning and 1 in the afternoon.

Borrow boards from Ian. Request Ian assists with presentation, if not available Tim, with back up from committee.

Agenda to be provided, include on back of leaflet and give out as people arrive.

Attendees to look round and committee available for questions before and after presentation.

Feedback given at time and up to 2 weeks later – provide a feedback sheet.

Boards and presentation to be uploaded to website.

Feedback sheet collection point in telephone box or post to CW.

Ian to analyse completed consultation forms.

Invitation to meeting to go out by 06/11/2018.

Meeting closed 11.45am.