Little Waldingfield Neighbourhood Plan

Minutes of meeting 2nd March 2019


Present: Tim Sheppard (Chair), Barbara Campbell, Chris White, Jennie Jordan, Richard Furlonger & Ian Poole.


  1. Housing Needs Assessment: The draft Report has now been received from AECOM. The delay seems to have resulted in part due to the fact the methodology used had to be altered as a consequence of changes to Government guidelines. We will have a chance to provide feedback on their draft report before it is finalised. TS suggested that the current Government methodology may have led to a shift with the SE providing proportionately more housing. IP suggested that given site allocations in other villages in the area, up to 15 units might be expected of LW during the life of the Plan to 2036. However, limited village services and a good natural environment should be considered when housing numbers are finalised.
  3. NP Policies: IP has largely completed his work on the draft plan, however, consideration was given to the provision of “Green Space” within the village boundary to be included with other policy considerations tabled previously.
  5. It is estimated that Babergh’s Draft Local Plan won’t be available for final consultation until the autumn when the classification of LW as a Hamlet, or Hinterland Village, will be established. IP felt that the housing percentage/numbers allocated to a large Hamlet or small Hinterland village would not be so different.
  7. Design Code: Technical support has been forthcoming through AECOM and an initial meeting has taken place. The Code will inform type of building design of future development. Report outstanding.
  9. Finance: Subsequent to the meeting JJ established there would be no clawback of unused funding for our y/e to 31st March 2019. IP confirmed that much of the drafting of the Plan would be completed by then in any event, and would invoice accordingly.
  11. Workshop: Despite the delay to the Housing Needs Assessment the Steering Committee hope the further Reports in final form will be ready in time for the Workshop on 4th May 2019 when there will be a morning and afternoon presentation. The village will be notified of the forthcoming event, via leaflets and the Neighbourhood Website, amongst other avenues.
  13. Date of next meeting to be established when HNA is received but ideally this should happen at a time to allow for preparation of the village workshop.

RF 13.03.19