Little Waldingfield NP Meeting - Saturday 28 April 2018

Attendees – Tim Sheppard, Barbara Campbell, Chris White, Jennie Jordan, Ian Poole

Apologies – Richard Furlonger


Character Assessments

Discussion about the need to conduct an audit of greenspaces, any buildings that merit a local listing for  their historic/architectural value  and footpaths. Look at how footpaths link to character assessment areas- views, condition. Some building may have concealed value, information that Haymarket properties may have 17 Century elements. Character assessments are ok but decision to extend the deadline for completion to 14th May to incorporate audit of greenspaces; buildings and footpaths. Wording to be agreed with partner and then finalised character  assessments to be sent  to TS – to be forwarded to IP and Ray

Find village footpath leaflet to be uploaded with report.

Footpath audit allocation:

Haymarket to Gt Waldingfield – BC/CW

Grove Avenue to Lavenham – JJ

Village path – JJ

Wood Hall to Church – RF

Park Farm – TS

IP to circulate map of Historic buildings.


Application for technical assistance and additional grant funding to be completed and sent – 29/4/2018.

IP advised that Elmsett and Debenham were in a slightly ahead of us so we can learn from their approach.

Hope to commence formal consultation in September and submit draft NP to Babergh in Autumn/Xmas time.

Photo competition

Paul Sargent is to judge entries and be invited to workshop to make presentation to winners.

Landscape assessment details to be provided to PS so he can take photos of important views etc as set out in character assessments.

June Workshop –  will need to print photographic entries – TS to ask what facilities PS has for this.

Questionnaire Responses

Bar chart of parish responses to be uploaded onto website

Vision and Qualities

IP explained that this was about the thrust rather than the details – looked at what we valued about the Village/how do we envisage it in 2036?

We will test the vision at the June meeting.

Discussion as to whether we need to allocate a site for housing - need evidence of suitability, the strengths and weaknesses of sites and then need to consult with parishioners before reaching a decision.

AECOM undertake site assessments for Locality and can provide master-planning facility so can influence what happens at a particular site. Bearing in mind probable hamlet status and IP assessment of need for new housing – only a small allocation needed if do decide to allocate.

Community Actions

Recycling – reinstate bins

Bus Route

Traffic calming – Ray to work up potential calming measures to be consulted upon with residents.

SALC – Suffolk Association of Local Councils can provide advice and information on how to develop a plan for these elements.


Next steps


IP to write up draft vision statement.

IP to layout NP document structure.

9th June event to be planned.

Green spaces to be discussed along with site allocation at July meeting.

IP to advise further as to next steps after 14 May feedback


Date of next meeting. 19 May 8.30am. JJ’s house.