Note of NP Session: 27 January 2018, Parish Rooms

Attendees: Tim Sheppard; Richard Furlonger; Jennie Jordan; Barbara Campbell; Chris White NP Committee); Ian Poole and Ramon Keeley (Consultants)


  1. Village Questionnaire Feedback: Ian Poole (‘IP’) confirmed that there have been over 200 responses. One of the ranking questions did not correlate between the online version of the questionnaire and the hard-copy, so the first answer will be taken across the board, ensuring a valid response. The headline information is that a majority of respondents (57 percent) feel that the amount of housing in the Parish is about right.
  3. JLP: There was a discussion about the minimal weight to be given to the JLP consultation response provide by the PC late last year, in comparison to the weight to be given to an informed up-to-date response to any planning application. IP stated that Robert Holms(?) has now taken over the running of the JPL process (Bill Newman having stood down) and there is a need to re-consult in order to comply with the plan-making Regulations.
  5. Landscape and Character Appraisal (‘LCA’): The Parish has to decide where (if any) development takes place an in what form. Character areas may be informed by the road network, which often provides the main vista but important viewpoints help to define the character of the area. In terms of engaging the Parish, a photographic competition could be run identifying important characteristics of the built and natural environment, followed by a workshop.
  7. Practice LCA Assessment: The group walked along Church Road, the Street and along the footpath between Wood Hall and the Church, under the guidance of Ramon Keeley, applying the LCA guidance provided.
  9. Future Action: There will be further LCA session on 10 February 2018, starting at the Parish Rooms at 10am. The Committee are to decide which LCA methodology to use in the assessment of the Parish (Oxfordshire, Planning Aid, or a hybrid) and what the definitive character areas are, before undertaking the full LCA.



Tim Sheppard,

6 February 2018.