Little Waldingfield Neighbourhood Plan

Steering Committee Meeting

Malting Farm

25th January 2020


Present: Tim Sheppard, Chair (TS), Jennie Jordan (JJ), Chris White (CW), Ian Poole (IP) & Richard Furlonger (RF)

Apologies for absences: Barbara Campbell


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Village Drop-in/Consultation.

It was agreed not to hold a further consultation drop-in event at this stage as the recent refusal of permission at Enniskillen indicates that the site is not currently suitable as a housing allocation site and there will be full consultation on the whole of the Neighbourhood Plan (‘NP’) in due course.



Locality had agreed that we could carry over our spending plans beyond 31st March 2020 (the financial year end). Places4People will invoice £2,879.75 before the end of March 2020. leaving £840 for Plan submission costs and £526 for publicity.



Places4People plan to complete the desktop publishing of the draft Plan by 24th February 2020 for circulation to the Steering Committee. TS to provided narrative on village history and natural environment. RF to provide TS with a copy of the winning entries from the Village Photographic competition.

The PC will receive a Word version of amended draft Plan on 5th March 2020 for consideration at PC meeting on 12th March 2020.

The main drop-in/Consultation event to be held at the Parish Rooms on 4th April 2020. This meeting will launch the Consultation Period to last for 7 weeks. The Parish will be sent reminders after 5 weeks (9th May 2020), and the Consultation will close on 26th May 2020.

The 7 weeks Consultation Period will include Babergh DC and Statutory Consultees.

Following completion of the Consultation Period, it is anticipated that the final Plan will be submitted to Babergh in July, with the Examination to be complete in October and the Referendum at Christmas time.



Update on progress of NP on Village website and on Notice Board.

PC Clerk to send email to Statutory Bodies at start of consultation period (4th April 2020).


Next meeting – TBC but between 12 March 2020 and 4 April 2020.


Richard Furlonger
