22ND JUNE 2019


Attendees: Tim Sheppard (Chair); Jennie Jordan; Chris White; Richard Furlonger; Barbara Campbell and Ian Poole (Consultant).


There were no apologies.


Tim Sheppard opened the meeting with an update on the recent workshop held in the Parish Room. This was well attended with approximately 100 attendees.


Confirmed that there should be enough funding left to complete the NP process.



Most responses were positive regarding the approach taken by the Steering  Group, however, some were not completed fully. It was decided that all responses should nevertheless be counted. The group discussed about how to manage future consultations. A suggestion was made that feedback forms should be numbered and made available from members of the group.


The vast majority of responses supported the proposed number of new houses over the Neighbourhood Plan (‘NP’) period (14) and potential site allocation.


Overall there was some concern about the development of Churchfield which may be down to confusion about the possible scale of any development.



Tim has been pushing AECOM but final approval for this work has not been approved yet. Confirmation is expected in 2 weeks. The work would look at:


  • The 2 potential allocation sites
  • Detailed iterative master-plans based on identified planning constraints
  • Proposed housing numbers over the NP period (Draft JLP has LW providing 16 rather than 14 dwellings-there may be some pressure on numbers as a result)
  • Will need several options
  • Hope work will be complete by end July/August



Babergh published Draft JLP. Some disquiet amongst Councillors. 

LW recognised as a Hamlet.

Some inconsistencies/questions as to how housing requirement numbers have been established.

Possibly looking at 4/5 dwellings allocated across possibly two sites, leaving a balance of circa 6 from windfall. 

Settlement boundary has changed in latest version of Draft JLP. Now includes Churchfield as part of settlement boundary. Could open door for development.


Potential objections to the draft JLP:

  • 16 dwellings inappropriate for village
  • Settlement boundary change unacceptable
  • Lack of consultation in relation to change to SB (Have evidence of work from AECOM – Character Appraisal states Churchfield inappropriate for large development)


Agreed need to press on and complete NP process. Recommend PC holds own consultation on Draft JLP when it is out for comment. Village residents should be invited to have input into PC response. Ian Poole could be asked to draft a letter on behalf of NP Steering Group for PC to send to BDC objecting to current proposals of draft JLP as per points raised above.


Agreed will invite professional photographer (contact of TS) to photograph village to highlight features and views for use in final NP document. Budget of up to £350.


Ian Poole to ask consultant to look into the provisions of a desktop study of potential traffic calming for Village. Cannot deliver measures as part of NP but can include as aspirations for change.


Next meeting set for 6pm on 9 August 2019, at Malting Farm.


End of minutes from BC.