Little Waldingfield Neighbourhood Plan (LWNP)

Steering Committee Meeting

14th March 2020


Present: Tim Sheppard (TS), Chris White (CW), Ian Poole (IP) & Richard Furlonger (RF)

Apologies: Barbara Campbell, Jennie Jordan



  1. At the Parish Council (‘PC’) Meeting on 12th March 2020, the draft LWNP was approved by a majority of Councillors.
  2. It was agreed to abandon the Drop-in event planned for 4th April 2020 due to the Coronavirus. 4th April 2020 will currently remain as the datum point for the start of the Plan consultation process. In place of the proposed event with display-boards, it was agreed that 170 copies of the Draft Plan will be distributed to each household, neighbouring landowners (tbc) and District Councillors, along with the consultation forms and a covering letter.
  3. The proposed timetable for the Neighbourhood Plan (‘Plan’) process will be as follows:
  1. Desktop version of Plan will be ready for around 25th March 2020. To be reviewed by Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee (‘NPSC’) in time for printers as soon as possible thereafter in time for Parish distribution on 4th April 2020.
  2. IP to ensure the necessary distribution through PC Clerk to Statutory Bodies, to include neighbouring Councils.
  3. 6-week consultation period to start on 4th April 2020. Allowing for Easter, the end date to be 22nd May 2020. Then to be reviewed by NPSC and PC. Signing-off by PC last week in June 2020.
  4. When the review is complete, the Plan, Consultation Appraisal, Condition Statement and Screening Report to go to Babergh D.C.
  5. Allowing time for Babergh to assess, it is hoped the Examiner will receive the documents by end of August 2020, with a determination by October 2020.
  6. Referendum to be held in mid-October 2020 with adoption by Babergh in December 2020. Babergh must sit to adopt Plan, so this will be subject to timing of Babergh Assemblies.



Richard Furlonger

21st March 2020