Little Waldingfield Neighbourhood Plan

Minutes of meeting 13th December 218


Present: Tim Sheppard (Chair); Barbara Campbell; Chris White; Ian Poole-agreed to ring in at circa 6.30pm. Richard Furlonger able to join at the end of the meeting.

1.   Housing Needs Assessment: TS reported that this is going ahead. AECOM have an independent/objective methodology to make assessment using future projections. It should be with us by end of December. AECOM will consider the type of housing and affordable housing. Decision made to fix another date for the village workshop.

The delay in the report is likely to impact on production of any Masterplan. AECOM are unlikely to help with developments under 5 dwellings. Theoretically we could have a headline figure by 10th January 2019. May still need to allocate a site(s). AECOM could then look at site/s for feasibility/master planning.

JJ has heard nothing more on the Design Codes. She will chase locality again.

  1. Finance:  Site Assessment and Design Codes are separate packages and will not need to be paid for by the SC. JJ will check whether the Character Assessment and Master Planning are also separate.
  2. Approach to Workshop:  This remains as previously discussed and agreed. Will include a Q&A session after presentation.
  3. Ian Poole:  Rang in at 6.35pm. TS gave an update of meeting so far. He requested an update regarding Ian’s costs so far and future projection. IP agreed that workshop should wait until after the Master plan is developed.

Planners like NPs to include an indication of how sites may be developed.

IP will continue working on NP. Suggested a consultation in early April of full draft plan.

Discussion about what to include in NP. IP still has notes from previous workshop with the SC and will work it up from there. NP working group to meet in early January to work through ideas. The Character Assessment will also inform a major part of the NP.

TS confirmed that once we receive the HNA, the Parish Council can use this as evidence if planning applications are put in prior to NP being in place.

IP reported that there is no more news about when Babergh Local Plan will be consulted upon again.

5.         Village Wide Update:  Will put onto website and do a village drop. Early in New Year – TS and CW to devise. TS will update Babergh.


Next meeting 19th January 2019 @10am. Venue Jenny Jordan’s.